Chickens before.....
Chickens after.....
Sully got to carry the chickens. Yummy.
Other market offerings. Cow kidneys, tongue and heart. Double yummy.

We chopped carrots, peeled potatoes, chopped onions, shelled peas and Janet and I plucked the leftover feathers out of chickens! I had NEVER done that before. I have even more respect for Laura Ingalls Wilder than ever.
One day we were a little late to Lomas to play with the kids and when we got there they had formed two lines and made all of us go under their arms. It was so fun. When we would pull into the neighborhood the kids would all start running along side the bus calling out, "Gringos! Gringos!"
We did a photo scavenger hunt with all the kids......and some of the Moms! It was hilarious chaos. This was Drew Preston and a lady doing silly faces.

Drew Preston was asked to speak at church on Sunday, being one of the youngest in our group (Ellie almost flew under the chair when she was asked). He did a SUPER job and told about what we had been doing in Peru. The preacher is standing next to him and the interpreter has the mike.

Ellie and her friend Nataly.
Ellie on the merry-go-round with Nataly. We took the orphans to a amusement-type park today for Orphan fun day. All the kids had a ball. There were about 4 people (youth or adults) per kid and they drug us all over to every ride and activity. We had to say goodbye to them at the end of the day and it was so bittersweet. It's amazing how quickly they get into your heart.
Drew Preston was asked to speak at church on Sunday, being one of the youngest in our group (Ellie almost flew under the chair when she was asked). He did a SUPER job and told about what we had been doing in Peru. The preacher is standing next to him and the interpreter has the mike.
Ellie and her friend Nataly.