Saturday, August 13, 2011

April 2011

I finally finished the boys bathroom, in honor of our trip to France. This says, "Goodnight my little ones." (If it's in French, they don't mind.)

I took this Eiffel tower pic and turned it black and white and had it blown up. It turned out pretty well.

These say things like, "I am all wet! I am taking a bath! I have soap in my eyes! Hand me a towel!" I wrote on the wall with dry erase markers. :)

Easter with my parents and Johnny and Monique.

My Easter mantle.

Beach time! Sully giving Ellie some thrills on the boogie board.

Good friends Emma and Ben, always add extra fun to beach time!

The next series of pictures is of Drew Preston and Ben. They are crazy. They love to absolutely destroy each other in the sand, get exhausted, wash off in the water, pant on shore for about 10 minutes and then go at it again. It's total entertainment for the rest of us. I'm sure other beachgoers think we're nuts but as long as no blood or tears are involved we let them go.

Laser tag. We played kids verses adults. Parents won! Wahoo!

Craig reads the Bible to the kids almost every nite. Love this.

Friday, August 12, 2011

All Mixed Up

Ok. I've tried to catch up on this blog but I obviously still so incredibly technically challenged. I made drafts of tons of blog posts, then went back and posted them in order. I didn't realize that they post in order of the month I made the draft!! So the next 25 or so blogs are totally out of order. You'll have to look at the title to see what month and year the pictures were made. sorry. I'm going to try to finish catching up in the next few weeks so that I'll be ready for Sept. 2011 at the right time. Don't get too dizzy. ~R

Hounds and Heisman Dec. 2010

This is a typical Gilligan and MaryAnn pose. They love to snuggle when it's cold.

When Cam Newton won the Heisman, the kids said, "Mom! Can we pretend we're at Toomer's and roll our tree?" Oh well, why not? They had so much fun doing it.

Drew Preston's Fun to be 10 Day Dec. 2010

For Drew Preston's 10th Birthday we snagged a couple buddies, skipped school and set out for a day of fun. First stop, the wilderness park in Prattville, otherwise known as the Bamboo Forest. We munched on a yummy Chick-Fil-A breakfast and did some serious hiking, cliff climbing, bridge building and general wild boy activities.

Big, strong, King of Jungle.

Creek high wire fun.

Next we went to Bass Pro, always a fun filled field trip.

Typical boy. Put the deer antler up your nose. Yummy.

Kicking back in some very cool camo lazy boys.

We stopped by Academy Sports for some more manly fun.

We spent the rest of the day playing football and other rowdy things at our house and ended up at Brewster's for Birthday ice cream. Great kids. Great day.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Thanksgiving Nov. 2010

This is SO not a typical Thanksgiving post because when it was all over I realized I totally forgot to take any pictures of the table, or the dinner, or the preparations!
But we did manage to get a family picture. :)

My fall/Thanksgiving mantle.

I told the kids back in Sept. that if they jumped off the diving board into the pool on Thanksgiving I would give them $5. Only Sully and Drew Preston took me up on it. My Mom said she would do it for $25 but I wasn't going that high!!! This is Sully getting up his nerve.

REALLY cold!

Feeling refreshed and revitalized!

Almost chickened out!

REALLY cold!

Towel please!

Was it worth it Drew Preston? Later, he would say yes. And no, they didn't catch a cold. :)

Late Pumpkin Carving Nov. 2010

We don't participate in halloween but we love pumpkins! Pumpkin carving, roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin butter, pumpkin pancakes ~ yum! We were a little late with the carving this year but we had a really good time doing it!

Gooky fingers!

A castle.