In October we went to Fort Toulouse on our first "Lofgren Family Camp-Out". These friends have been camping with families twice a year for around 20 years! There were tons of kids, good food, lots of laughing, ultimate frisbee, games, folk dancing, praise and worship, perfect weather, roasted marshmallows and all the fun you would expect with camping.

Dutch Blitz marathon.

Lots of kids brought their bikes, there was a track that would through all the campsites. Perfect. (There is also a wal-mart 10 min. away for stuff forgotten, like, ketchup, bug spray, bandaids, etc.--always nice to be close enough to civilization for the necessities)

Somebody lost a tooth on this trip!

Ellie and a buddy. A bunch of the guys made quick friends with a camping neighbor with TV so they could watch Auburn play. :)

Munchkin on a mud pile.

I always like to bring paint and brushes when we camp. The kids painted rocks to have a special memento to take home. Kept them busy for a long time!

Ellie and Sara Kate.

Good memories!