Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Homestead October 2010

This is going to be a really long post! We had so many fun pictures from this trip I just had to share them all. For our 19th anniversary we decided to take the kids to Homestead, in Hot Springs, VA. It's a really old resort where many Presidents have visited over the years. It's set in the mountains and it was just gorgeous. We went for the all inclusive package which saved us a lot when it came to activities. Craig overheard someone give the rate for a day of golf and immediately signed him, Sully and Drew Preston up to play every morning (since it was included in our package). Other activities included horseback riding (we did it twice), a guided hike, hay ride, marshmallow roast, archery, bowling, swimming in the hot springs pool (we didn't do that) and relaxing on the front porch. The weather was great and we totally enjoyed our stay. On the night of our anniversary we took the advice of one of the employees and went to a local pizza place- located in a gas station!! Yes, my hubby only picks the best for me. :) The pizza was incredible and the local flavor cozy and small town. My favorite! That's some pizza!

One of the views of Homestead.

View from our window.

Enjoying the sun porch attached to our room.

Ellie and her Daddy.

Another view from our room.

I loved all the wallpaper and patterns at this place. Like I said, it is very old. Warped floors, creaky, narrow stairs, vintage decor. Love it!

Horses! This one was Ellie's- Blackjack (by the way, as I write this 8 months later, every week or so she will say with a sigh, "I still miss Blackjack").

Ride'em Cowboy Clements!

Which way to go???!!!

High tea in the drawing room. OOOO La La I guess I mean, Cheerio!

Robin Hood, eat your heart out. Gee, I never realized how gross that looked spelled out.

Maid Marion getting a little help.

My favorite picture of the whole trip!

Sully and his charcoal marshmallows stay true to form.


Do you know what this is?! It's poison ivy! It's really old and about 3" in diameter. Our guide said, "If it's hairy, it's scary". Can you see the fur on either side? Yuck.

Whew. Lots of pictures, I know. Hope you enjoyed!

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