Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Good...and, well, not so good

The famous astronomical clock of Messina, Sicily, Italy. It doesn't really lean. Craig is just crooked.
loved this door!

our last gelato, sigh....

HUGE loaf of bread. They sell it by the slice. We got some much smaller little rolls. Yum.

Ha! Craig bought a genuine fake rolex for $15. It already broke.

Today is our last day at sea before docking once again in Rome and flying home. The "not so good" is that most of us have caught the cruise ship crud. Our tummies are not doing so well. It's not terrible, no fever or anything. DP and Ellie are still good. We still went out to explore Messina for a little while yesterday and everyone went to dinner last nite except me. I was just too tired.
We wanted to touch on a few things I may have forgotten earlier.

When asked, Ellie said her favorite part of this trip is the puppies and kittens. In Pompeii, they have 40 dogs called "The Pompeii Dogs". Donations help to feed them and they sleep in kennels at nite but during the day they just roam the ruins and enjoy everyone's attention. Ellie loved on any she passed. There were dogs and cats everywhere in Europe. No one seemed to care if they were in a restaurant or a shop. Just part of the culture. There were lots of cats in Turkey.

Also in Turkey we walked down one market street. EVERY shop we passed someone would say, "Large family!" or "Are they ALL yours?!" or "50% discount for large family!" One man said,"One, two, three, four- you need one more!" I said, "We're adopting two!" I thought he would pass out. We got really tickled on that street.

Homeschooling seems to be non-existent over here. If we told someone first they looked at us like we had grown an extra head. Then they would say no one does that here. Then they would ask if there was an exam they had to take to make sure they knew everything. It was amusing.

About the boat:
Sully likes that we get rocked to sleep every nite. There is constant movement but it's been very slight.
Drew Preston says when he rock climbs he not only goes up but from side to side. Yuck.
The kids have become total Dick Van Dyke Show fans. They have laughed and laughed and repeated many scenes from the DVDs. The boat TV stations ran Ozzie and Harriet shows for several days. Those are a big hit, too. I love that they like it. To hear them all cracking up over something so simple and wholesome and silly is heartwarming.

Our waiter, Mariano, laughs at Ellie and DP every nite because they are so predictable in their ordering. Ellie gets the cheese plate and "chicken thingers" and ice cream with chocolate sauce every nite. DP gets the cheese plate (or fruit) and a hamburger and sherbet every nite. They did try other things while in different countries but we didn't push it on board ship. :)

Ellie actually got a proposal in Egypt. At one store an Egyptian gentleman who was explaining cartouches (hieroglyphic names) to us asked her if she thought him handsome. She nodded. He said, "Will you marry me?" She said no. He said, "Oh, you don't think I'm handsome!" She said, (laughing of course) I DO but I don't want to marry you!" He laughed and laughed.
Praying for Beverly!
Praying for Ivy and Co.!


  1. More fun pictures! I've enjoyed reading about your adventures - such fun.

    I can't imagine baking bread that big! Wow!

  2. check your email for my friend's in Rome contact info if you need it. they were hoping to meet you. Praying for ya'll to feel great and rest well on flight home.

  3. Ha Ha Proposal. At 7!!!! Well, my aunt was married at 16

  4. My kids like the old TV shows too. Lately one of them has been watching Abbot and Costello on We don't watch any of the current tv "hits" other than a few on Discovery Channel. And those are both educational and fun. Have a good trip back.

    Family trip to Alaska next year? You can stay with us for free.

    John in AK

  5. Oh Boppee! I have mixed feelings! Can't believe your trip is almost over but am so glad you will be home soon! This has truly been a trip of a lifetime! WoW! Praying for a safe and peaceful journey home! Love you! Love you! Jan Marie
