Saturday, May 29, 2010


I wrote this on the plane on the way home and haven't had the chance to post it until now. I wrote it on the plane because I wanted it to be fresh on my mind.
Where I Saw God in Europe, etc.
England: - Sitting in St. George's Chapel, taking in the beauty, listening to Michael W. Smith sing "Forever" on my ipod.
-Seeing the magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral, unharmed by the bombings of WWII
-A sweet, fat English baby named Freddie on the train
France-The opportunity to encourage someone with compassion and Scripture
-God's grace, provision, and victory over evil in the crosses on Omaha Beach
-His grace and sweetness in seeing to the small things as when we got our laundry done for us in Normandy
-His goodness in getting us to Rome in time for our boat
-in the beauty and simplicity of the French countryside
-a hiding place for persecuted Christians, God's provision and shelter
-Amazing Grace, on a youtube video, sung in the Colosseum, amazingly
-His power, strength, and might in the form of Mt. Vesuvius
Greece-the place where He put Paul to preach Acts 17, where it can still be preached!
-the beauty of His creation in the blue, blue water of the Mediterranean Sea
-a place where there is still a remnant, 8%, probably smaller for true believers, but still there!
-the place He put John to inspire him to write Revelations!
-another place he put Paul to preach in, where, is you were there seeing the glory of God in the view, I bet it sunk in!
-the amazing silkworm!
-knowing that seeing the amazing, colossal, majestic pyramids is nothing compared to the MORE, thousands times more, amazing , colossal and majestic God we serve
-giving me a true person and his family to pray for next Ramadan
-God's sovereignty in the futility of man's quest to be in control
-How the Magi felt riding camels to visit the king
He was glorified as our family talked to Him before meals, unconscious until the last day that so many people were watching
-that our waiter called and asked us for another Bible!
His magnificence in the seas!


  1. I signed up to follow your trip when you first sent out the email. I never got emails sent that it was updated and forgot about it until tonight. I am soooo glad I remembered...better late than never! I have so enjoyed reading all your posts, laughing, looking at wonderful pictures, learing new things, but most of all hearing abot your ministering, learning from God's beautiful world and your awesome family closeness. Yall are such a blessing to so many...thanks for you! Natalie

  2. This is my favorite post of your trip! AWESOME! He certainly is everywhere, huh? :)
