Thanks to Mother and Daddy for taking such good care of our bad dog, good dogs and kitty cats (it's not your fault SkippyJonJones ran away, he may be back) and house! Everything is fixed and organized! They had a lovely dinner waiting for us and although it's a blur (Drew Preston almost fell asleep at the table) it was very comforting.
Thanks, too, to the Mortons and the Hicks for all the sidewalk art! What a fun surprise! We loved the AUs, the hot dog, the messages and the camel is a masterpiece! Y'all are so fun.
God is so good to us. We were sickly on the last 3 days of the cruise, the BEST time because there really wasn't much to do except rest anyway. We were perfectly well the day we flew 10 hours and the next day when we were exhausted. THEN Tucker started feeling bad and now DP. But once again it's not too bad and we're home and comfy. Despite the brioche (French it-will-be-at-the-feast bread), gelato (feast ice cream) and yummy cruise dinners I came home weighing less than when we left. I guess it was the sickness and the thousands of steps I climbed all over Europe.
Thanks, too, to the Mortons and the Hicks for all the sidewalk art! What a fun surprise! We loved the AUs, the hot dog, the messages and the camel is a masterpiece! Y'all are so fun.
God is so good to us. We were sickly on the last 3 days of the cruise, the BEST time because there really wasn't much to do except rest anyway. We were perfectly well the day we flew 10 hours and the next day when we were exhausted. THEN Tucker started feeling bad and now DP. But once again it's not too bad and we're home and comfy. Despite the brioche (French it-will-be-at-the-feast bread), gelato (feast ice cream) and yummy cruise dinners I came home weighing less than when we left. I guess it was the sickness and the thousands of steps I climbed all over Europe.
Hope ya'll are feeling better! I just told the kids yesterday that we didn't have to pray anymore that you were home safe and sound. sounds like we need to keep praying! BTW you have the greatest parents in the world! what a blessing!