Once again we went camping with about 130 of our sweet friends. :) The family who began the tradition has been camping twice a year with friends for over 20 years! We are honored to be included in this awesome time of fun and fellowship.This time Tucker, Ellie and I started off without the rest of the
fam 'cause Drew Preston had an Upwards game on Sat. morning. With the help of a few good Samaritans we got our tent up and secure.

I brought paint and beads, which kept many kiddos happy and busy for quite awhile! The older kids played board games for hours. The first
nite I went to sleep listening to them laugh and talk around the table as they played. There was a group around the fire singing, too. I fell asleep to the sweet sounds of teens
fellowshipping and Amazing Grace. Love it.

The little boys spent most of their time poking the campfire or tramping in the woods. They had a glorious time.

Face painting!

Ellie, of course, made friends with the camp dog.

By the time Drew Preston got there on Saturday, Ultimate Frisbee was in full swing. He was a mighty worn out boy that
nite, with football in the morning and
frisbee all afternoon.

Tucker and Drew Preston after the disc.

These people are
se-re-us about some

Craig and his torn hamstring chose the calmer game of lawn marbles.

The little guy in the middle was the camp sweetheart. He melts all our hearts.

The Auburn game was on that Sat. nite and Sully spent it listening in the car. Everyone would come to him for updates, which he gave in full detail.
On Sunday morning we all gathered on a hill for worship and sharing. I love doing church in the light and surrounded by the Creator's creation! What an amazing weekend. Thanks God!!!
This looks like so much fun, Robyn! I miss seeing you and your precious family. The kids are really growing up fast!